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A new piece created specifically for Le Studio in the Atelier des Lumières, Verse is a hypnotic and metaphysical journey. 

Astrophysics discoveries have always fascinated people and raise questions that may never be answered. Verse explores the role of man in this universe and highlights the beauty of the infinite space around us.


Plunged into the impenetrable and mysterious universe, visitors are able to observe the harmonious movements of the stars to the sound of an orchestral piece composed in conjunction with Jonathan Fitas, composer and sound designer.


This oneiric and cosmic experience evokes the infinite, which is invisible to the human eye, through all the scales and states of matter. Verse deforms space and time and reconstitutes supernovae, with colossal explosions of reliefs and colours.


Visit my friend's website Jonathan Fitas :


Visit the museum's website :




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